Sunday, April 10, 2011

Figuring this out

Well, here it is, my first blog post. I'm still trying to figure this whole thing out, so if you are reading, please bear with me.

I guess I will start with what I plan to use this blog for. Erin's Food Adventures will be my experiences with food. Cooking, finding recipes, making changes to recipes, trying new restaurants and reviewing them, and whatever else I discover about food along the way that I decide to talk about. I'm going to do my best to bring you into my world of food. I love to cook (though admittedly, I am not the best at it), and I guess you could say that my New Year's Resolution was to try at least 1 new recipe every week. So far, I have pretty much stuck to it. I think there was a week or 2 that I wasn't able to keep this "resolution," but I made up for it the following week by cooking 2 new things.

My husband, Danny and I also like to try new restaurants every now and then, so I will be writing about those experiences. He seems to be pretty excited about my decision to blog, and wants me to be able to do it while sitting at a restaurant. So he found some blogger app for my phone and has figured out how to use it and I'm sure he will have a hand in any of my on the go posts. For the record, I am technology challenged, so anything cool I might seem to do in that regard is all him figuring it out, being patient with me, and doing his best to teach me.

I won't be posting every single day, as I said I only try one new recipe a week, but my goal with this is to post twice a week. Some weeks my experiences may be slow or too boring to write about in my opinion, and in that case I will reminisce about past experiences.

Oh, and if anyone ever has any restaurants suggestions, or recipe suggestions, please let me know. A couple of stipulations on the recipes though...I will NOT cook anything with pork of any kind, and unless it is tilapia or shrimp, I'm not really big on the seafood thing, though I am definitely more open to try that than anything with pork. Oh, and Danny isn't big on pasta, and since I cook for him, I do attempt to stay away from too much pasta, though I do still cook it on occasion.

Well, I guess that's it for my first post. I hope everyone is interested or excited about what this blog is going to be about. I might post another later today about last weeks new recipe as it was a major hit; it really just depends on how much time I end up having later.

Until next time!

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